Dr. Faculty

Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Portfolio

Professional Development

Faculty Handbook - Professional Development 302.03 (c & d)

Important signs of professional growth are the formal activities usual to the discipline. These include publication of peer-reviewed research articles and books, or other writing normal to the discipline; juried exhibits and performances; invited presentations, exhibits, and performances; editorships and consultantships; invited evaluations and reviews of the work of other professionals; and presentations to professional groups.]

Additional professional activities may include leadership of, committee work for, and participation in scholarly and professional organizations; sustained activity in course and/or program development; advanced study and participation in seminars and workshops; and selection for grants, fellowships and awards. (Faculty Handbook 302.03 (c&d))

Department Criteria


Self-evaluation and Personal Statement

NOTE: Publications for consideration as part of this application can be found in the Supplemental Materials.

Sixth Year Evidence for Professional Development
Fifth Year Evidence for Professional Development
Fourth Year Evidence for Professional Development
Third Year Evidence for Professional Development
Second Year Evidence for Professional Development
First Year Evidence for Professional Development
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